Retreats & Events

Home Practice Challenge

Sun Salutations (in Sanskrit, Surya Namaskar) is a dynamic sequence of poses, traditionally practised at sunrise or sunset. It can be employed as a complete sadhana ( spiritual practice) in itself as it includes asana, pranayama, mantra, and meditation techniques.


Surya Namaskar is a core practice in many yogic traditions because of its many benefits. It provides an effective way of improving mobility and developing strength, as well as massaging and toning all the joints, muscles, and internal organs of the body.


In this Challenge, we will explore 3 different Salutation sequences and their effects. In each session, you will learn a new sequence to practise for the coming week, gradually building on the number of repetitions. All sessions are online.


You will receive a video of each sequence so you can use it as a guide in your own home practice during the Challenge.


When:Tuesdays 6.30-7.30pm; April 23rd, 30th & May 7th,14th

Teacher: Kerryn Godfrey

Investment: $85

For enquiries & bookings, contact 


Experience the bliss of your own being!


Yoga’s texts tell us that this blissful state is inherent in each and every one of us, but that the busyness of our minds prevents us from experiencing this, other than in fleeting moments.


Svaroopa Yoga, AKA the Yoga of Bliss, provides us with the techniques to reliably access this state. The precise aligments, strategic propping, and hands-on adjustments create a way in to the deepest layers of your self.


This is the goal of all true Yoga practices! Come and try it for yourself in this 2 hour workshop.


When: TBA

Teacher: Kerryn Godfrey

Investment: $50

For bookings & enquiries, contact Kerryn


M: 0413955331