
Flexible Custody Agreement

By April 10, 2021Uncategorised

When it comes to setting a custody and visiting schedule, you have some flexibility to create an agreement that best meets your child`s needs and situation. Below are some common child care plans. The establishment of a peaceful common parenting plan, which also works with everyone`s timetable, is not a small achievement. We asked our experts for their best rules to make shared custody work for you, your ex and your children. This residential safety plan allows the child to spend weekdays with one parent and weekends with the other. It offers a lot of structure and routine with limited exchanges. It works just as well for parents who don`t get along, as it doesn`t require them to live nearby or communicate often. On the other hand, a parent has the child every weekend and misses the daily life of the week/school. This could be modified so that a parent can have two out of three weekends. The alternating weekly schedule is a 50/50 housing plan in which the child spends one week with one parent and the following week with the other parent.

This child care system allows parents to spend equal and longer periods with the child. However, it is also necessary for both parents to live to some extent to each other and at the child`s school, and the parents and/or the child may have difficulty being separated for an entire week. For custody arrangements, I am pleased to add a little flexibility, in the hope that parents can be cooperative when circumstances expect cooperative behaviour. I suppose the parents are reasonable enough to know that a child should attend a parent`s wedding or a grandparent`s funeral. This need for cooperative flexibility is particularly important when the non-custodian parent has a variable work plan. B for example, a professional athlete or a member of the armed forces. However, if the parties have a history of significant conflict and hostility, such flexibility simply makes a bad situation impossible. The divorce was about you, but custody is about the children. Considerations of child assistance include direct parental support for children during the duration of custody, so that a schedule for shared custody may warrant changes to the “usual” child care arrangements.

However, informal changes to child care are generally not permitted and specific child care arrangements are required. Let`s be honest. Parenting alone is quite difficult, and co-parenting adds another level of complexity. Prevent as many conflicts as possible with your ex through open communication, but if you disagree, think about the real value of the conflict.